| Term | Definition |
| Automated | Sample collected using an automated sampler |
| Core | Core sample resulting in a section of a substance |
| FD | Foliage Digestion |
| FF | Forest Floor Digestion |
| FL | Foliage Leaching |
| Grab | Grab sample |
| GW | Groundwater |
| LF | Litter Fall Digestion |
| meteorological | sample type can include a number of measured sample types including temperature, RH, solar radiation, precipitation, wind speed, wind direction. |
| No Sample | There is no lab sample associated with this measurement |
| PB | Precipitation Bulk |
| PD | Petri Dish (Dry Deposition) |
| PE | Precipitation Event |
| PI | Precipitation Increment |
| Pump | Water column pump |
| PW | Precipitation Weekly |
| Rake | A long-handled implement with a row of projecting teeth at its head, used to gather objects at the ground-surface |
| RE | Rock Extraction |
| Rosette sampler | A device with a cluster of sampling bottles that is lowered into a fluid |
| SE | Stemflow Event |
| Sonde | A device such as a CTD which measures variables such as conductivity, temperature, and depth, that is lowered into a body of water |
| SR | Standard Reference |
| SS | Streamwater Suspended Sediment |
| SW | Streamwater |
| TE | Throughfall Event |
| TI | Throughfall Increment |
| Trap | A device or enclosure designed to catch and retain animals, typically by allowing entry but not exit or by catching hold of a part of the body |
| Trawl | a sample collected by equipment towed behind a vessel |
| TW | Throughfall Weekly |
| Unknown | The sample type is unknown |
| VE | Vadose Water Event |
| Vertical Plankton Net | A plankton net that is towed vertically from a ship, the ship is not moving. |
| VI | Vadose Water Increment |
| VW | Vadose Water Weekly |