Master Controlled Vocabulary Registry for ODM 1.0

CUAHSI's ODM 1.0 has several controlled vocabulary tables. This web page has been developed to promote consistency between different instances of the ODM through a moderated system for changing the master controlled vocabularies. This web page displays the master controlled vocabulary entries and allows users to request additions or changes to these. Users may then update their ODM controlled vocabulary tables from this master set using ODM tools as described below.

Changes that you request will be forwarded to the master controlled vocabulary moderators who will attend to requests as promptly as possible. When you submit a request, you should receive an email verifying that you request has been received. When your request is approved, you should also receive an email confirmation. If you have a request that cannot be accommodated on this website, please contact the master controlled vocabulary moderators:

Jennifer Arrigo

Jeff Horsburgh
Utah State University

David Tarboton
Utah State University

Controlled Vocabularies:

CensorCodeCV:Used to populate the CensorCode field of the DataValues table
DataTypeCV:Used to populate the DataType field of the Variables table
GeneralCategoryCV:Used to populate the GeneralCategory field in the Variables table
QualityControlLevels:Defines QualityControlLevelID used in the DataValues table
SampleMediumCV:Used to populate the SampleMedium field in the Variables table
SampleTypeCV:Used to populate the SampleType field in the Samples table
SpatialReferences:Defines the coordinate systems used in the Sites table
TopicCategoryCV:Used to populate the TopicCategory field in the ISOMetadata table
Units:Defines the units used in the Variables and Offset types tables
ValueTypeCV:Used to populate the ValueType field in the Variables table
VariableNameCV:Used to populate the VariableName field in the Variables table
VerticalDatumCV:Used to populate the VerticalDatum field im the Sites table

Updating your controlled vocabularies

The master controlled vocabularies are published via a set of XML web services that can be accessed at: The methods within this web service will return the most recent ODM controlled vocabulary terms. The Update Controlled Vocabulary tool in ODM tools will update your controlled vocabulary tables by comparing them with the latest information in the master set published through these web services.

Controlled Vocabularies Administration

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant Nos. 04-12975, 041-3265, and 06-22374.
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.