HydroObjects - DEPRECATED

There is no new development or bugfixes for this library. Please contact help for additional info.

HydroObjects is a .Net DLL with COM classes that support hydrology applications.  The key class in the library is WebServiceWrapper, which provides a method for calling Web Services from a COM (e.g., Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)) environment.  This class can be used to call WaterOneFlow Web Services for downloading hydrologic time series.

HydroObjects itself is not a standalone application.  Rather, the user makes a reference to HydroObjects in another application, enabling that application to call Web Services using the WebServiceWrapper.

The WebServiceWrapper creates proxy classes for Web Services at run time.  This makes HydroObjects a useful library even for programs that can already communicate with Web Services, because often in those programs the desired Web Service must be interrogated initially at design time to generate proxy classes.  In other words, with the WebServiceWrapper, the program does not have to know about a Web Service until it is ready to use the Web Service.

HydroObjects Resources:

© 2008-2010 CUAHSI-HIS

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant Nos. 04-12975, 041-3265, and 06-22374.
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.